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I Move to Medical School This Week

Where did summer go?! It feels like just yesterday I submitted my AMCAS application, and now I am packing up my life to move to NYC for medical school!!

Life has been pretty crazy trying to prepare for the move. This summer, I worked a little bit on a research project I have been a part of for a few years (more on that here), but I had my last day of work on Wednesday. The rest of the week was spent running errands that needed to get done (like getting a new license because I got LASIK surgery) and trying to organize my clothes. Two things I've learned from trying to move is that I have WAY too much stuff, and downsizing for my NYC apartment is a STRUGGLE! I can't wait to share the entire journey of my move, which will be out on my YouTube channel in August!

Until then, I just want to take some time to reflect on this journey. Growing up, I used to get SO homesick when my parents sent me to stay with family. Who would've thought that little girl would move away from home at 16 for boarding school and end up moving to NYC for medical school?! I had a feeling when I visited back in February that this place would be my future home. The first time I went to NYC was for my 9th grade trip - this was a school trip that I have few memories of and had no part in planning. But somehow, when I visited in February, I ended back up in the same pizza restaurant I went to almost 8 years just felt like a subtle sign that I couldn't ignore, and here I am!

I am feeling a mix of emotions right now. I am very excited - having the opportunity to move to NYC at 22 on a full scholarship is an absolute dream come true! I am grateful that my medical school believed in me and that I get to work towards my dream of becoming a physician. On the other hand, I am nervous about adjusting to city life, afraid of how cold it will get in the winter, and slightly scared that I'm moving 10 hours away from home. Above all, I am thankful for a God whose plan is always greater than mine.

I honestly have no idea what to expect in medical school, but I know that I have worked too hard to give up now. I know all of the studying will pay off, it will be so worth it as I serve my future patients. The next time you hear from me, I'll officially be Student Dr. M - INSANE! I know that there is no growth in your comfort zone, and I cannot wait to see what the next few years hold! Help a girl out and share your best NYC recs in the comments - if I'm going to move to NYC, I might as well get the full experience!

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